Renewable Power Is Our focus.

The future is now

Utilizing state of the art technologies

Empowering Change Through Sustainable Energy Generation Blends.

We are excited to introduce our startup company as early stage project originators, developers, and brokers.

A pioneering force in the realm of renewable energy solutions for Utility, Commercial, Industrial, and the Data Center Power sectors.

Drawing from deep executive and technical experience in the traditional fossil fuel industry, we leverage our specific skill sets to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform the energy landscape.

At the heart of our mission is the drive towards net zero, achieved by harnessing the power of state-of-the-art renewable technologies and forming strategic partnerships.

A key strength of our company lies in our ability to act as ad-hoc renewable energy project originators and concept designers.

Our comprehensive suite of sustainable energy solutions includes:

Solar Power

Battery Storage

Linear Generation


Green Hydrogen

CO2 Capture

Geothermal Energy

Explore the innovative solutions and strategic initiatives that define our approach. Partner with us on this journey towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Current Projects


early stage development

Introduction of renewable energies to a major educational provider and large scale industrial Real Estate owners.


Oilfield electrification and repurposing

Innovative early stage development concept analysis, using a traditional oilfield setting.